In normal circumstances, I am not one to add my voice to the chorus of product promotions. I stopped scrapbooking when it began to feel all about acquiring the newest paper or the most innovative cutting device. However, everything I have ever heard about Addi Turbo needles is true. I will spare you the many, many details and instead give you two short points:
1. The needles are quiet enough that I can knit in a group setting without feeling like a jerk.
I'm glad to have discovered this brand early on. I haven't had too much experience on different types of needles, but it turns out that I do, in fact, have a favorite.
Rachel, that collar looks fantastic. I'm really looking forward to seeing the sweater next week.
Isn't it fun when you find that the tools make such a difference in your outcome? I remember a camp counselor I worked with who was obsessive about her Fiskars scissors - noone could use them on anything but fabric, if we were allowed to use them at all. We thought she was just compulsive. Fast-forward many years, and I had the "ah-ha" moment after springing for a good-quality paintbrush because it was aesthetically pleasing, and the walls practically painted themselves - I wished the room was larger so I could continue painting. Using a rotary cutter for the first time was like that. I love cutting a good line!
Yeah, it's nice having a designated sewing/knitting scissor. I didn't realize exactly how good a pair of scissors I have until I used my other pair and the yarn started fraying everywhere.
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