I love how I came across the yarn. Someone had put a blanket into the Freebox at Gillett, which was great fun to unravel. I was worried about getting all of the kinks out, but sitting around in a tightly wound ball seems to have done the trick.
On Saturday after I finished the sock Mo agreed to ride into town to go to Webs and look for sock wool, so now I can make properly sized socks in adorable blue yarn. I'm not sure how much of the size 2 needles I can handle, so for now they will be properly sized baby socks. Mo has a green ball of the sock yarn, so we can work on socks together the next time there's a crafting opportunity. I've taken a picture of the yarn, but I'm having a bit of trouble doing everything in the proper order, so I'll post it in a bit.
Getting the needles was quite a stroke of luck. Webs only had a plastic set of double pointed size 2 needles, so we walked over to Northampton Wools, but got there after closing time. After locking up our bikes around the corner and starting back towards Webs I noticed that not only were people still inside the shop, but the door was still open, and the register had not yet been turned off. Hooray!
I'm hoping that my friend Stef will be able to visit while I'm in town. I taught her how to knit at the beginning of the summer, and I'd love to work on some projects with her.
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